One Piece is a famous Japanese anime series based on a manga written by Eiichiro Oda and produced by the studio Toei Animation. The whole series revolves around the pirates of the modern age adventuring to the great islands to claim the great treasure called “One Piece”. One Piece is said to contain all the valuable items ever made in history with many miracles.

The series is well-known for its extensive plot, which explains why it is still on the air. The first episode of the series aired in the year 1999 and there are no plans of ending the series anytime soon.

The one and most curiosity embossing question about this anime series is:

Where is One Piece (the greatest treasure of all time) located?

This question has been raised in the minds of fans since the beginning of the anime. Before we conclude the current location of One Piece let's dive more into the history of this seemingly priceless treasure.

Gol D. Roger was a legendary pirate king who sailed the seven seas and their islands. He is regarded as the great pirate who solved the “Void Century's” mysteries. Roger gains a massive amount of treasure with uncountable value, he also acquires a portion of the great treasure of Joy Boy from Void Century.

After the execution of Gol D. Roger by the World Government (a global organization ruling the world for 800 years). The world names the great treasure of Gold D. Roger as One Piece.

Roger right before his execution announces the existence of One Piece and its immense power. Roger said that One Piece can be obtained by anyone who could reach it. This announcement causes a “Great Age of Pirates” to begin.

Monkey D. Luffy is the main protagonist of the series. He got his inspiration to become a great pirate king from the late Gol D. Roger. He formed his group of pirates called “Straw Hat Pirates” to obtain the great One Piece treasure. The interesting thing about Luffy's ideology is that he discovers the treasure by taking on different foes with interesting adventures; these aspects make his character quite popular.

Luffy is considered to be one of the pirates with the ability to reveal the mysteries of One Piece, as he becomes the Fifth Emperor of the Sea following his experiences as a pirate.

Gol D. Roger and his fellow pirates, known as the “Roger Pirates,” are the only ones who know where One Piece is. These pirates cruise to Laugh Tale, the Grand Line's penultimate island. Roger may or may not have taken or added anything to Joy Boy's Treasure, but one thing is certain: when Roger came to Laugh Tale and saw Joy Boy's treasure, he burst out laughing.

Roger describes it as a “Tale Full of Laugh” from which he names the island “Laugh Tale”.

Only the members of Straw Hat Pirates have come closer to finding the great treasure One Piece during the “Sabaody Archipelago Arc”. Usopp tries to ask Silver Rayleigh (a member of Roger Pirates and first mate of Gol D. Roger) about the nature of the treasure but Luffy stops him because he thinks that finding the nature of the “Treasure” will spoil their fun adventure and all these harsh battles and suffering would have no meaning.

Some fans speculate that One Piece is fabricated mythology. However, Eiichiro Oda, the creator of the One Piece manga, acknowledged in an interview that it is a physical reward.

White Beard, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, is regarded as the world's strongest pirate. After Gol D. Roger, he was the one closest to One Piece. On the point of death, Whitebeard verifies the existence of One Piece and its immeasurable worth. He also says something shocking: “When One Piece is discovered, the world will be shook to its core.”

The one thing that is confirmed about One Piece is that it is located at the final Island of Grand Line called “Laugh Tale” However, the contents of the treasure are still unknown but surely they will be revealed with the finale of the ongoing series.


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